Expert Meeting on Comparing Best Practices for Creating an Environment Conducive to Maximizing Development Benefits, Economic Growth and Investment in Developing Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition

24 - 25 September 2007

Creating an environment conducive to development, growth and investment is a multifaceted matter that involves a myriad of national and international policies.

A comparative analysis of country practices within the framework of the Commission on Investment, Technology and Related Financial Issues requires focus on policies aimed at attracting and benefiting from foreign direct investment (FDI).

The meeting will focus on policies aimed at maximizing the development benefits from FDI. It is proposed that the expert meeting - as a first step in this endeavour - consider case studies of best practices in meeting five strategic FDI challenges, as they have emerged from UNCTAD´s investment policy reviews and other work.

These key issue areas are suggested to focus on:

  1. devising a systematic competitiveness policy for FDI

  2. upgrading efficiency for those seeking FDI

  3. attracting FDI to small markets

  4. improving the investment framework for FDI

  5. the special challenges of attracting FDI to post-conflict countries
Experts are encouraged to prepare brief papers related to their countries´ experiences in one or more of the thematic areas identified above. These papers will be made available at the meeting in the form and language in which they are received.

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