Expert Meeting on Development of Multimodal Transport and Logistic Services

24 - 26 September 2003

Multimodal transport and logistics services are becoming increasingly important for the development of international trade, as they are an essential part of the global production process. Advances in technology and communication have led to changes in transportation practices, with an overall increase in transactions at the global level and the exponential growth of international multimodal transport. This trend is reflected in the expansion of containerized traffic, which is expected to double in the next decade.

Attempts are being made by Governments, intergovernmental bodies and industry to promote the development of these services at the regional and international levels. Discussions are under way for the preparation of a widely acceptable international legal framework for multimodal transport. Similarly, recent security initiatives are profoundly influencing the way multimodal transport and logistics operations are being conducted and add further obligations for shippers and transport providers.

The Expert Meeting will discuss the requirements for improving multimodal transport and logistic services, including infrastructure and technology, security and safety, facilitation, legal framework and market access, bearing in mind the situation of developing countries. Developing countries, in particular LDCs, small island States and landlocked countries, are benefiting only to a limited extent from the potential advantages of multimodal transport or logistic services. Thus they risk further marginalization in the global economy. The current high transport costs of these countries results in a downward spiral of lower demand and correspondingly lower supply. Policy makers need to reverse this vicious circle and promote trade through better and less costly transport services.

During the three-day meeting, experts will analyse the present situation and discuss ways and means to promote multimodal transport and to overcome the existing obstacles faced by developing countries.

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(TD/B/COM.3/EM.20/INF.1) -  21 Oct 2003
(TD/B/COM.3/EM.20/2) -  14 Jul 2003
(TD/B/COM.3/EM.20/1) -  30 Jun 2003
(TD/B/COM.3/EM.20/1) -  30 Jun 2003

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