Expert Meeting on Effectiveness of FDI Policy Measures

25 - 27 June 2003

Policy measures to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) include the laws and codes that define the enabling investment framework for foreign investors, as well as the general standards and policies that affect investment activity. With liberalization of FDI regimes across developing countries, cases of discriminatory or otherwise poor treatment of foreign investors are now less frequent. But problems still arise with the general regulatory environment and with government administration of business regulation.
Key general regulatory measures affecting FDI include labour relations, workforce migration, and taxation and incentives. International experts and government representatives will examine these issues relevant to developing countries and will provide examples of best practices.

In the presence of a conducive policy environment, proactive measures come into play. These include investment promotion and business facilitation. The Expert Group Meeting will examine proactive policy measures that countries can take to improve their attractiveness to foreign investment. Industry executives from the tourism, information and communication technologies, agribusiness, and textile and garment sectors will present their views on emerging industry trends and corporate strategies that affect worldwide investment location decisions. They will offer private-sector views on effective FDI policy measures and the role of investment promotion.

A special session presenting UNCTAD´s Investment Policy Review of Nepal will be held.

The meeting will close by presenting UNCTAD´s Investment Compass, a new web-based tool that allows countries to benchmark their FDI attractiveness.

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(TD/B/COM.2/EM.13/INF.1) -  06 Jul 2003
(TD/B/COM.2/EM.13/2) -  29 Apr 2003
(TD/B/COM.2/EM.13/1) -  15 Apr 2003
(TD/B/COM.2/EM.13/1) -  15 Apr 2003

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