Expert Meeting on Increasing the Participation of Developing Countries’ SMEs into Global Value Chains

18 - 19 October 2007

Global value chains (GVCs) refer to the interrelated production activities performed by firms at different geographic locations. In the new global economy, companies now have the ability to source products and services from a variety of vendors at various stages of their operations.

Although several aspects of global value chains are now largely understood, notably their main drivers and governance structure, their impact on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in both developed and developing countries, has not yet been thoroughly researched.

The meeting is expected to contribute towards raising awareness and sharing best practices on policies that favour the integration of SMEs into global value chains. It should complement UNCTAD´s earlier work that focused on policy formulation and analysis on SME development, and increase technical cooperation in this area, particularly in the context of the Aid for Trade initiative.

Experts at the meeting are invited to consider the following questions:

  • Would the business environment reforms alone be sufficient to increase the participation of SMEs in GVCs?
  • What other policy options could be considered to increase and maintain developing country SMEs´ participation in GVCs?
  • How can Governments address SME supply-side constraints in their development plans, and how can donor agencies and private sector partners work together to relieve these constraints?
  • How can opportunities be created and capacity of local SMEs be strengthened to ensure successful participation and upgrading in GVCs?
  • What are the "best practices" in successful supplier development programmes? What policy lessons can be learnt from these practices?
  • What policies and institutions have been effective in promoting clusters and linkages between TNCs and local firms?
  • (How can supplier development programmes incorporate the creation of clusters and linkages?
Experts are encouraged to prepare brief papers on the subject under discussion. These papers will be made available at the meeting in the form and language in which they are received.
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(TD/B/COM.3/EM.31/INF.1) -  05 Nov 2007
(TD/B/COM.3/EM.31/1) -  08 Aug 2007
(TD/B/COM.3/EM.31/1) -  08 Aug 2007

English  |