Fostering Effective Trade Logistics in a Digital World

19 April 2018
05:00 - 08:00 hrs. Room XXVI
, Switzerland

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the buying and selling of products and services online, has grown exponentially. As a result, today, most of those with an Internet connection in the developed world, and increasingly in developing countries, would not think twice about conducting and completing personal transactions online.  According to, retail e-commerce sales worldwide reached 2,304 billion U.S. dollars last year, a more than 70% increase since 2014. It is also projected that online sales will almost double in 2021. 

In this session you will have the opportunity to hear the views of e-commerce providers, logistics providers, and regulators on how the positive trend in e-commerce has revolutionized their world over the last four years. You will also have the opportunity to find out the views of these experts on those changes which are needed in order to foster more effective trade logistics in our digital world. From the discussion, you should also be able to identify collaborative areas and synergies that you would like to work on moving forward.

Moderator: Mr. John Manners-Bell, CEO, Transport Intelligence


• Ms. Ivonne Higuero, Director, Economic Cooperation and Trade Division, UNECE
• Mr. Rajesh Aggarwal, Chief, Trade Facilitation and Policy for Business, Division of Market Development, ITC
• Mr. Jan Hoffmann, Head, Trade Logistics Branch, Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD
• Mr. Dulith Herath , Founder & Chairman, Pvt Ltd, Sri Lanka
• Mr. Weiru Chen, Chief Strategy Officer, Alibaba Cainiao
• Mr. Jacob Ninan , Co-Founder & Director, Kottackal Business Solutions, India – Integrated Services for MSMEs in International Trade
• Mr. Tidiane Diop, Trade Logistics Advisor, International Trade Centre
• Ms. Rosine Uwamariya, Head of Operations Division, Rwanda Customs
• Mr. Lance Thompson, UN/CEFACT Support Unit, UNECE
• Mr. Tarcisio Hardman Reis, Manager, Cargo Border Management, IATA
• Mr. Constantin Ciuta, Senior Customs Adviser, ASYCUDA
• Mr. Poul Hansen, Chief, Trade Facilitation Section, UNCTAD
• Ms. Maria Ceccarelli, Chief, Trade Facilitation Section, Economic Cooperation and Trade Division, UNECE
• Dr. Mohammad Saeed, Senior Trade Facilitation Adviser, International Trade Centre


UNCTAD, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), International Trade Center (ITC)

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