High-level panel on the creative economy and industries for development: UNCTAD XII pre-event

13 - 15 January 2008
Palais des Nations

"the international community should support national efforts of developing countries to increase their participation in and benefit from dynamic sectors and to foster, protect and promote their creative industries"

(para. 91, São Paulo Consensus)

The objective of the high-level panel is to provide a platform for progress in the intergovernmental debate in this new area.

The creative economy is an evolving concept based on creative assets and covers economic, cultural, technological and social issues. At its heart are the creative industries dealing with the interplay between various subsectors, ranging from traditional arts and crafts to more technology- and services-oriented sectors such as audiovisual materials and new media. The session will explore the creative economy´s conceptual, institutional and policy framework, as well as global trends and features of the international market for creative industries.

The panel will review countries´ experiences in mapping the creative industries and their socio-economic impact on the overall economy, identifying existing gaps in data collection and new assessment tools for informed policymaking. Experts will examine the dynamics of creative products and services in world trade, including in regional trade flows. Connectivity and new ways of marketing digitized creative content will also be addressed. Finally, the relevance of multilateral negotiations and global processes in shaping the emerging creative economy and their implications for national and international policies will be discussed.

The high-level panel is expected to propose innovative development options that could help developing countries to put in place cross-cutting policies that will enhance their creative capacities and the competitiveness of their creative goods and services with a view to making development gains.

The panel´s recommendations will be transmitted to the Preparatory Committee so as to facilitate the deliberations by member States on this topic at UNCTAD XII.

For further information please contact:

Edna dos Santos-Duisenberg
Chief, Creative Economy & Industries Programme
Palais des Nations
CH 1211 - Geneva, Switzerland

T.: 4122- 917-5735/5829
F.: 4122-9170044

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