High-level Panel Discussion: Fostering structural economic progress toward graduation from LDC status

28 May 2016
11:00 - 08:00 hrs.
, Türkiye

Mid-term review of LDCs
Organized by UNCTAD and the Common Fund for Commodities, in collaboration with OHRLLS and UNCDF


The event is an opportunity, for UNCTAD and its partners, to propose insights into ways of intensifying action at all levels to make progress toward thresholds of graduation from LDC status an achievable goal for LDCs in the second half of the IPoA implementation decade.

It is also an occasion to emphasize the key underpinnings of graduation: the quest for structural economic transformation, and the primacy of productive capacity-building as an avenue for structural progress.

Chair: Mr. Joakim Reiter, Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD


  • Hon. Damchoe Dorji, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Bhutan
  • Hon. Joshua Setipa, Minister of Trade and Industry, Kingdom of Lesotho
  • Hon. Jerome Ludvaune, Member of Parliament, Vanuatu
  • H.E. Yvette Stevens, Chair, Enhanced Integrated Framework Board
  • Mr. Parvindar Singh, Managing Director, Common Fund for Commodities
  • Ms. Judith Karl, Executive Secretary, UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
  • Mr. Henri van der Land, Managing Partner, SME Impact Fund, Arusha, Tanzania

Questions to be addressed:

  1. What are the most advisable directions for countries with an agenda of sustained progress toward graduation from LDC status, and specifically with a vision of structural economic transformation based on sound productive capacity-building and elevation in regional or global value chains?

  2. What are the policy options for LDCs that seek to translate their natural advantage in primary commodities into new avenues for structural economic progress, in response to the growing international demand for quality products and despite the volatility of commodity prices?

  3. What technical assistance modalities can effectively support the quest for progress toward graduation from LDC status, notably in the areas of investment policy and trade policy?

  4. Can innovative financing solutions support the local development efforts of LDCs and increase their chances of progress toward graduation?

  5. What can be done to help graduating LDCs make the goal of smooth transition to post-LDC life a platform for continued structural economic progress?

Common Fund for Commodities; OHRLLS

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