ILO/UNCTAD Focus Groups on ICTs and Women’s Entrepreneurship

08 - 09 April 2013
Dar es Salaam
, United Republic of Tanzania

The ILO/UNCTAD Focus Groups of Women Entrepreneurs on ICTs from 8-9 April 2013 in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania were organized to collect information on women entrepreneurs' use of ICTs and to test the ICT component of a WED methodology. The initiative was part of the ILO/UNCTAD Project on Leveraging ICTs in Support of Women's Entrepreneurship funded by Swedish Sida. The Focus Groups preceded the ILO/UNCTAD Assessors Training on WED and ICTs in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania from 10-12 April 2013 at which the results of the Focus Groups were reported.

ILO and UNCTAD are partnering to integrate the ICT dimension into assessments of the environment for women's entrepreneurship. The initiative is a follow-up to the Information Economy Report 2011, which focused on the role of ICTs in private sector development and benefits from financial support from Sweden (through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency). UNCTAD was invited to help ensure that the ICT dimension is fully reflected in the revised version of ILO's Guide for assessing the Women's Entrepreneurship Development (WED) environment. The new version will be the first such assessment tool that takes the ICT dimension systematically into account.

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