Informal Expert Meeting on Consumer Protection

27 March 2015
09:00 - 18:00 hrs. Room XII, Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

The Sixth United Nations Conference to Review All Aspects of the Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices (Geneva, 8-12 November 2010) invited UNCTAD to convene two expert meetings on consumer policy between the Review Conferences, separate from the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy.

Following the first expert meeting held on 12 and 13 July 2012, Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Consumer Protection: The interface between competition and consumer policies, it was decided that UNCTAD should begin a consultation process on the revision United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection (UNGCP). As a result of this consultation and call for contributions, the UNCTAD secretariat produced the Implementation Report on the United Nations guidelines for Consumer Protection (1985-2013) (TD/B/C.I/CLP/23).

The Second Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Consumer Protection held on 11 and 12 July 2013 discussed the Implementation Report and its conclusions, and proposed the creation of four Working Groups (on e-commerce, financial services, other issues and implementation) that would feed into the UNCTAD Secretariat report on the Modalities for the Revision of the UNGCP to be submitted to the VII UN Review Conference to Review all Aspect of the Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices Set.

 An additional Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Consumer Protection, which was planned under the regular work of the Secretariat and arising from the Doha Mandate, was held on 22 and 23 January 2015, and discussed the conclusions of the Modalities Report plus the Secretariat proposal Draft Resolution for Consideration of the General Assembly containing the Revision of the United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection.

Continuing the consultations process leading up to the VII Conference to Review the United Nations Set of Principles on Competition of July 2015, UNCTAD will hold an Informal Expert Meeting on Consumer Protection on the margins of UNCTAD's Expert Meeting on Cyberlaws and Regulations for Enhancing E-commerce: Including Case Studies and Lessons Learned.

The Informal Expert Meeting on Consumer Protection will seek further input to the Annex of the Draft Resolution for consideration of the General Assembly containing the Revision of the United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection, as revised with the written contributions received from experts and permanent missions in Geneva until 16 February 2015. The version of Annex to the Draft Resolution to be discussed in the Informal Expert Meeting will be circulated and posted online on 27 February 2015. Please note the Informal Expert Meeting will not benefit from interpretation services.

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