Lessons learned from Angola
The event will deliberate on new-generation policies, strategies and operational modalities to address LDCs’ systemic and structural vulnerabilities.
This includes discussions on ways and means of fostering productive capacities through holistic programmes of intervention to promote sustainable diversification and structural transformation, and the importance of strategic partnerships in supporting such processes.
This will be showcased through the ongoing multiyear, multisectoral programme of Angola, implemented by UNCTAD since 2018 with funding by the European Union.
The discussion will focus on the potential and opportunities for replicability of the programme model for other LDCs and vulnerable economies and discuss:
- Implications of productive capacities to LDCs’ diversification, structural transformation and sustainable development;
- The rational behind the need for such transformational processes;
- Results, good practices, lessons learned and core elements on how best to support structural transformation in LDCs; and
- The role of the UN system and UNCTAD in promoting such transformational processes.


Mr. Mussie Delelegn
Acting Head, Productive Capacities and Sustainable Development Branch
Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes
+41 22 917 5038