Legal Framework for Debt Restructuring Process: Options and Elements

31 March 2015
Columbia University
New York
, United States of America

​The Legal Framework for the Debt Restructuring Process: Options and Elements has been held at Columbia University on 31 March 2015. The meeting has gathered Member States, experts and members of the civil society.

Op-eds and Policy briefs by Prof. Joseph Stiglitz reflecting the ideas expressed in his keynote speech:

 - A Fair Hearing for Sovereign Debt, with Martin Guzman, Project Syndicate, March 5, 2015.

 - Debeaking the Vultures, with Martin Guzman, Project Syndicate, October 1, 2014.

 - Frameworks for Sovereign Debt Restructuring, with Martin Guzman, Domenico Lombardi, Jose Antonio Ocampo, and Jan Svejnar, IPD-CIGI-CGEG Policy Brief, November 17, 2014.

 - Identifying and resolving inter-creditor and debtor-creditor equity issues in Sovereign Debt Restructuring, with Skylar Brooks, Martin Guzman, and Domenico Lombardi, CIGI Policy Brief, January 2015.

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