Leveraging e-Trade for All as a Vehicle for Sustainable Development

13 December 2017
11:45 - 13:15 hrs. Bolsa Cereales
Buenos Aires
, Argentina

The evolving digital economy- as depicted in the UNCTAD Information Economy Report 2017- creates both opportunities and risks for developing countries. The speed at which it is unfolding, and the significant gaps that exist in terms of the ability and readiness of countries, entreprises and individuals to engage in it, underlines the urgency of scaling up global support to developing countries, particularly the LDCs.

There is a need for more discussion on how to ensure that the development dimension of e-commerce and trade is duly addressed. eTrade for all is the unique partnership that connects the dots among partner organizations, donors and beneficiaries to foster more inclusive development. It offers an important platform to support developing countries and to champion successful initiatives.


Increasingly, the contribution of digitalization to sustainable development will require a concerted, holistic, cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder approach.

Through the multi-stakeholder lens, partners from the institutional (eTrade for all partners),the private sector (Business for eTrade Development contributors) and the government side (Friends of E-Commerce for Development and from a developed economy) will in this session share their perspectives on how to ensure that all countries can benefit from the evolving digital economy.

One way to capitalize on existing knowledge and maximise synergies is to tap into the eTrade for all initiative, which seeks to improve developing countries' access to e-commerce to scale up existing efforts. A special focus on how to leverage this unique partnership will be sought through an exchange of good practices.

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Related Site:
eTrade for All​​​