Multi-year expert meeting on commodities and development, third session

22 - 25 March 2011
Room XXVI, Palais des Nations

Trade and development implications of developments in commodity markets

  • Developments and challenges in commodity markets: current situation and outlook.

  • Review and identification of policy actions to mitigate the impact of highly volatile prices and incomes on commodity-dependent countries, and to facilitate valueaddition and greater participation in commodity value chains by commodityproducing countries.

  • Identification of innovative approaches to resolving commodity-related problems based on effective multi-stakeholder partnerships.

Input from experts:

Experts nominated by member States are encouraged to submit brief papers (approximately five pages) as contributions to the work of the meeting.

The papers should be submitted to the UNCTAD secretariat in advance of the meeting and will be made available at the meeting in the form and language in which they are received.

Papers, which should draw on the expert’s experience, may address one or more of the following issues:

  • What have been the drivers of price trends in recent years in commodity markets and what are the opportunities and challenges faced by commodity-dependent developing countries stemming from these trends?

  • What instruments can be used or what mechanisms can be set up to assist commoditydependent developing countries in mitigating exposure to price risk in commodity markets?

  • How can such mechanisms be quickly deployed, be effectively countercyclical, operate on the basis ex ante, automate eligibility requirements and restrict conditionality?

  • What are the policy measures through which commodity-dependent developing countries could enhance their participation in commodity value chains, including value addition in the medium-to-long term?

  • What are the relevant partnerships that can strengthen the contribution of commodities to development in commodity-dependent developing countries? How can such partnerships relate to national initiatives?

For more information, contact:

Samuel Gayi
Head, Special Unit on Commodities

Tel.: +41 22 917 2131
Fax.: +41 22 917 0509

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