Multi-year Expert Meeting on Promoting Economic Integration and Cooperation, second session

19 - 20 May 2014
Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

Taking stock of the contribution of effective forms of cooperation to the Millennium Development Goals and their evolution in the area of trade and development

The meeting will explore the progress made thus far on the Millennium Development Goals, with particular attention to Goal 8, and propose ways to further strengthen international cooperation in order to achieve the targets. Experts are expected to bring to the meeting their own perspectives and to highlight specific issues in connection with their areas of expertise.

The Millennium Declaration was unanimously adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2000, committing to reach eight goals by 2015. Known as the Millennium Development Goals, these objectives have become the measure by which current international development efforts are to be judged. Many effective forms of cooperation have taken place to date in support of the Goals. In the areas of trade and development, the Millennium Development Goals, in particular Goal 8, contain relevant targets and indicators.

The main targets include a non-discriminatory international trading system, market access for the least developed countries, a development-oriented financial system, enhanced debt relief for the heavily indebted poor countries, scaling up of official development assistance for poverty reduction and development, technological transfers to poor countries and strategies for decent and productive work for young people.

There is widespread agreement that the Millennium Development Goals have placed broad-based poverty reduction at the centre of the development agenda. With regard to actual achievement of the different targets, however, the evidence is uneven, across both Goals and countries.

Input from experts

Experts nominated by member States are encouraged to submit brief papers (approximately 5–12 pages) as contributions to the work of the meeting.

The papers will be made available at the meeting in the form and language in which they are received. They should be submitted to the UNCTAD secretariat in advance of the meeting and addressed to Mr. Piergiuseppe Fortunato, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Palais des Nations, CH-1211, Geneva, Switzerland; phone: +41 22 917 5647; fax: +41 22 917 0050; e-mail:

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South-South cooperation South-South cooperation

Meeting series


Communications concerning representation:

UNCTAD secretariat
Intergovernmental Support Service
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Fax: 41 22 917 0214