P166 Short Course: Maritime transport for sustainable development

23 February 2022
10:00 - 12:00 hrs. Hybrid
, Switzerland

Key insights and projections from the UNCTAD Review of Maritime Transport

Maritime transport is the backbone of international trade and the global economy. Over 80% of the volume of international trade in goods is carried by sea, and the percentage is even higher for most developing countries.

The Review of Maritime Transport is an UNCTAD flagship report, published annually since 1968. It provides an analysis of structural and cyclical changes affecting seaborne trade, ports, and shipping, as well as an extensive collection of statistics from maritime trade and transport.

The latest edition of the report has a special focus on the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on the industry and includes a special chapter on the challenges seafarers face in view of the crewing crisis.

The course will update delegates on key developments in seaborne trade, maritime and port business, freight rates, key performance indicators, seafarers’ concerns, and the necessary legal and regulatory framework to facilitate international maritime trade and transport.

Delegates will learn about policy option to keep ships moving, ports open, and trade flowing in times of pandemic, and when confronted with the future challenge of the decarbonization of maritime transport.

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(UNCTAD/RMT/2021 (Overview)) -  18 Nov 2021
(UNCTAD/RMT/2021) -  18 Nov 2021

English  |   Français  |   Español  |   العربية  |    



Training and capacity building Training and capacity building


Ms. Randa Jamal