Round Table on International Cooperation in Merger Cases as a Tool for Effective Enforcement of Competition Law

08 July 2015
05:00 - 08:00 hrs. Room XVIII, Palais des Nations

International cooperation in the enforcement of competition laws has evolved over the years with the emergence of procedures and modalities guiding this process. While international cooperation among competition agencies has been on the rise in all areas of competition law enforcement, merger cases has been on the lead in this process. Cooperation arrangements, mechanisms and networks play an important role as a tool for effective enforcement of competition law in both developed and developing countries. However, there are specific enforcement challenges faced, particularly, by young competition agencies in their cooperation efforts.

The round table will discuss various forms of cooperation especially in merger cases, exchange experiences and best practice from different jurisdictions.

In order enhance international cooperation efforts between competition agencies, the following issues could be considered during the round table discussions:

  1. Building human and technical capacities of young competition agencies to enforce competition law by:

    1. Developing tailor-made capacity-building programmes; establishment of regional training centers such as the ones in Mexico, Hungary and the Republic of Korea; and information-sharing networks such as the African Competition Forum, Sophia Competition Forum, Euro-Med and the activities of other regional integration groupings.

    2. Exchanging staff and/or detaching resident advisers to promote mutual understanding and trust.

  2. Developing guidelines and best practices for cooperation agreements based on what works and what does not.

  3. Ensuring the inclusion of provisions in national laws allowing for cooperation and exchange of information for enforcement purposes.

  4. Establishing and implementing clear safeguards for due process and the protection of confidential information.

18 May 2015

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