Science, Technology, Innovation and ICTs for Development: UNCTAD XII pre-event

06 December 2007
12:00 - 11:59 hrs. Palais des Nations, Room XXVI

As developing countries strive to meet development goals and benefit from the knowledge economy, the role of science, technology and innovation (STI) has emerged as one of the most important issues underlying the debate on international development policy.

There is evidence that most developing countries are unlikely to achieve development goals and global competitiveness without making science and technology, and in particular information and communication technologies (ICTs), top priorities in their development agenda.

There is also evidence that for developing countries to benefit from the knowledge economy, they need access to new and emerging technologies.

The meeting will address the question of how applications of science, technology and ICTs can be enhanced and put to use to help countries meet human needs and reap the benefits of the knowledge economy. It will also help to identify issues of importance in the international policy agenda on science, technology and ICTs to which UNCTAD can make a meaningful contribution.

The objective of the meeting is to:

  • Mobilize partners from development agencies (bilateral and multilateral), the private sector, universities and research institutes on issues related to STI and ICTs, thus underlining the importance of science and technology for development and the role of ICTs in support of knowledge and innovation.

  • Exchange views and share experiences on specific measures needed to integrate science and technology and ICTs in national and international development strategies and highlight actions required.

Issues for discussion:

  • Policies and measures at the national and international level to address the following issues: harnessing science, technology and engineering for innovation and development; technologies to address environmental challenges; and virtual science libraries.

  • International development-oriented policies for socio-economic inclusive information economy, including access to and use of ICTs in developing countries.

The outcome of the meeting will take the form of a summary of the discussion, which will be distributed to delegates, thus contributing to the preparatory process for UNCTAD XII.

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