Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Industrial Parks (IPs) have played important roles in the economic development of advanced and emerging economies. Although African least developed countries are making development progress, they are yet to fully harness the potential of special economic zones and industrial parks for economic transformation. There is therefore the need for the international community to assist them to make special economic zones and industrial parks work for productive transformation and sustainable development. Against this background, UNCTAD is planning to organize a study tour for Rwanda and Tanzania to special economic zones and industrial parks in Mauritius. The objective of the study tour is to provide a platform for the delegations of Rwanda and Tanzania to have discussions with policymakers from Mauritius and share experiences with them on the design, development, operation, and regulation of special economic zones and industrial parks, with a view to drawing useful lessons on how to improve the performance of their domestic zones and parks.


Antipas Touatam
Division for Africa, LDCS and Special Programmes
Trade, Poverty, and Inequalities Branch