Please register through https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/trade-and-biodiversity-webinar-ii-registration-124922429349
About this Event
Why join ITC’s Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) and UNCTAD’s BioTrade Initiative webinar?
- Learn about guidelines for sustainable sourcing and production of biodiversity-based value chains.
- Hear about examples of sustainable business models integrating biodiversity conservation and ethical trade principles from Peru.
- Learn how to identify sustainability standards relevant for your business through ITC’s free and online platform: Sustainability Map.
- Ms. Lorena Jaramillo, Economic Affairs Officer, Trade and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch, Division on International Trade and Commodities, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
- Ms. Caridad Maldonado, Sustainable Trade Expert, Commission for Promotion of Export and Tourism of Peru (PromPerú).
- Ms. Ana Batalhone, Associate Programme Officer, Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD), International Trade Centre (ITC).
- Ms. Ivana Padierna, Programme Officer, UNCTAD.
More Information
This session is the second of a webinar series for companies, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and producers working in biodiversity-based value chains and in implementing sustainable practices. Topics include market trends and best practices for biodiversity-based sectors (e.g. cosmetics, natural ingredients, food), regional experiences from biodiversity-based businesses and value chains, and more. This session is specially oriented to the Latin American and Caribbean public.
The webinar series is organized by the Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) of the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the BioTrade Initiative of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) under the framework of the Global BioTrade Programme “Linking trade, biodiversity and sustainable development” financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.


Lorena Jaramillo and Ivana Padierna (UNCTAD) biotrade@unctad.org
Ana Batalhone (ITC) batalhone@intracen.org