TrainForTrade defense of dissertations of the Modern Port Management Course in Dominican Republic

TrainForTrade defense of dissertations of the Modern Port Management Course in Dominican Republic

Puerto Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Credits: Puerto Santo Domingo

08 - 09 October 2024
Santo Domingo
, Dominican Republic

The Spanish-speaking Network of UNCTAD’s Port Management Programme/TrainForTrade is organizing the Defense of the Monographs of the Modern Port Management course, in collaboration with Haina International Terminals, Santo Domingo Port/Sansouci and the Port Authorities of Gijon, Las Palmas and Valencia.

The defense of the case studies of the sixth promotion, compromising 26 port administrators (including 10 women), will take place the 8th and 9th of October. The monographs are case studies in which the participants propose improvements to real port situations by applying the knowledge acquired during the course.The international jurors panel will be integrated by global experts from Argentina, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Peru, Spain and Uruguay.

In this way, UNCTAD’s TrainForTrade Port Management Programme supports port communities in their quest for efficient and competitive port management. In order to increase trade flows and foster economic development, the programme creates port networks bringing together public, private and international entities.

Haina International Terminals; Puerto de Santo Domingo Sansouci; Puertos del Estado; Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón; Autoridad Portuaria de Las Palmas; Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia
Sponsor / funding:
Haina International Terminals; Puerto de Santo Domingo Sansouci; Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa

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Transport, logistics and trade facilitation Transport, logistics and trade facilitation Training and capacity building Training and capacity building



TrainForTrade Programme

Mr. Gonzalo Ayala
Knowledge Management Officer

Ms. Maria Luz Jaureguiberry
Programme Assistant