UNCTAD - INDECOPI Training workshop on tools and management of intellectual property for innovation and productive development in Peru

27 - 28 June 2012
Auditorio INDECOPI
Lima, Peru
, Peru

UNCTAD and INDECOPI, the National Institute for the Defence of Competition and Intellectual Property, will jointly organise a workshop to enhance awareness among key national players in the public, private and research sectors on the interface between IP rights and the development of technological capabilities and help identify what are some of the most likely instruments to help gain economic and social benefits from the current IP regime in Peru.


The workshop will be opened by:

  • Mr. Herbert Tassano, President INDECOPI
  • Ms. Marta Pérez Cusó, Economic Affairs Officer, Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD

And will count with the participation of:

  • Dr. José Luis Solleiro, Director General of Linkages, Innovation and Development Coordination, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
  • Dra. Patricia Gamboa, Director, Trademarks, INDECOPI
The workshop is part of a technical cooperation programme between the Government of Peru and UNCTAD.
The workshop will support efforts to implement one of the recommendations included in the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review of Peru carried out recently by UNCTAD.


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