UNCTAD XIV Preparatory Committee (Second Meeting)

01 December 2015
11:00 hrs., Room XXVI, Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

As announced on 5 November 2015, the second Preparatory Committee for UNCTAD XIV will be held on Tuesday, 1 December 2015 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in room XXVI of the Palais des Nations.

On this occasion, the Working Party on the Strategic Framework and the programme Budget will be suspended for the morning session and will resume in the same room at 3 p.m.

As outlined in the roadmap for UNCTAD XIV presented by the Chair of the Preparatory Committee, His Excellency Ambassador D'Alotto, regional groups will be invited to make statements presenting their respective positions and position papers on the theme and subthemes of UNCTAD XIV.

Member States wishing to do so will also be invited to make statements thereafter.


Alessandra Vellucci
Secretary of the Trade and Development Board
26 November 2015


Roadmap for UNCTAD XIV
(as announced at the twenty-ninth special session of the Trade and Development Board on 26 November 2015)
Dates Milestones

2 October 2015

First meeting of the PrepCom
Regional Groups and member States to provide preview of issues they would wish to address in the UNCTAD XIV outcome

1 December 2015 (am)

Second meeting of the PrepCom
Presentation of position papers by regional groups

18 January 2016

Third meeting of the PrepCom
Presentation of the "Zero Draft"

Mid-January to mid-February 2016

Review of the "Zero Draft" by regional groups and member States in preparation for the fourth meeting of the PrepCom

15 February 2016

Fourth meeting of the PrepCom
Establishment of working groups with Friends of the Chair
Start of the first reading of the "Zero Draft"

15 February to mid-June 2016

Negotiations of the draft outcome

13-14 June 2016

Special session of the Trade and Development Board

27 June 2016

Fifth session of the PrepCom (last changes to text)

17-22 July 2016

UNCTAD XIV (Nairobi, Kenya)

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