What Sells in E-commerce: New Evidence from Asian LDCs

16 April 2018
05:00 - 06:30 hrs. Room XXVII
, Switzerland

​Cross-border e-commerce offers a new pathway for SMEs to increase competitiveness in the global market and diversify their export portfolio. A major difficulty for SMEs to exploit this potential is the lack of market intelligence to identify demand for their products in the international market. The International Trade Centre (ITC), in partnership with AliResearch, is launching a new publication at this session to address this identified challenge.

The publication uses market data from Alibaba’s international B2B e-commerce platform ( for five LDCs countries in Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Nepal) to identify what products attract demand from international buyers. It provides valuable guidance for SMEs to better target potential markets and clients.

The publication also compares online and offline trade and offers an insight into whether and how e-commerce is different from traditional trade. Though both share similarities in terms of the main products and markets, e-commerce focuses on higher value-added and innovative products and offers opportunities to expand and diversify export.

In this session, country representatives will share their views on exploring cross-border e-commerce opportunities and shaping an enabling environment for e-commerce growth.

Welcome remarks and moderator:
H.E. Mr. Alvaro CEDEÑO MOLINARI, Ambassador of Costa Rica to the WTO

Ms. Marion Jansen, ITC Chief Economist, Introducing the report: What Sells in E-commerce: New Evidence from Asian LDCs
Mr. Ouyang Cheng, Executive Senior Advisor, AliResearch, How to help SMEs trade through e-commerce
H.E. Dr. Mostafa Abid KHAN, Minister, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the WTO, SME E-commerce in Bangladesh
Ms. Mina ARYAL, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Nepal to the WTO, SME E-commerce in Nepal
Mr. Kiengkhammanh KHOTTAVONG, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Lao PDR to the WTO, SME E-commerce in Lao PDR
Ms. Zhang Shige, Senior PR Manager, HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD., Bridging the digital gap - advancement in ICT to boost e-commerce infrastructure

International Trade Centre (ITC), AliResearch

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