04 December 2013
Room XXVI , Palais des Nations
, Switzerland
Review of the proposed UNCTAD Biennial Programme Plan for the period 2016-2017
Follow-up on evaluations:
Follow-up on recommendations from the external evaluation of UNCTAD subprogramme 1: Globalization, interdependence and development
Follow-up on recommendations from the evaluation of the UNCTAD programme on science and technology for development
Membership of the Working Party for 2013
At its 1094th plenary meeting, the Trade and Development Board approved the membership of the Working Party for 2013, as follows:
Albania | Lesotho |
Algeria | Mexico |
Belarus | Nepal |
China | Peru |
Côte d'Ivoire | Russian Federation |
El Salvador | Switzerland |
Germany | United States of America |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Viet Nam |
(16) |
(TD/B/WP(66)/CRP.1/Rev.1) -
12 Nov 2013
Agenda item 3
(TD/B/WP(66)/CRP.1) -
12 Nov 2013
Agenda item 3

English |
Français |
Español |
简体中文 |
Русский |
العربية |
Meeting series
Communications concerning representation:
UNCTAD secretariat
Intergovernmental Support Service
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Fax: 41 22 917 0214
E-mail: meetings@unctad.org
UNCTAD secretariat
Intergovernmental Support Service
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Fax: 41 22 917 0214
E-mail: meetings@unctad.org