WTO Public Forum - Business-to-business e-commerce: Trade Implications

28 September 2016
12:00 - 08:00 hrs. 17:00-18:30 Room S1, World Trade Organization
, Switzerland

​UNCTAD, UPU and WTO will co-organize a session at the WTO Public Forum 2016 with a focus on business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce and its contribution to international trade flows.
The session will address the following issues:

  • What exactly is B2B e-commerce, 
  • What is required for more enterprises and countries to engage in such transactions,
  • How can B2B e-commerce help to increase a firm's competitiveness and what measurement frameworks exist for ongoing monitoring,
  • How can firms use and benefit from e-commerce when trading in the global market place, especially small and medium-sized enterprises,
  • How can e-commerce facilitate more inclusive trade.

UNCTAD estimates that in 2015 the value of B2B e-commerce amounts to about $20 trillion and B2C e commerce to more than $2 trillion, and both are rising fast. However, there is a lack of authoritative information on the contribution of e-commerce to international trade flows.

This session is part of a wider collaboration project between UNCTAD, WTO and UPU to improve the measurement of cross-border e-commerce.

World Trade Organization and Universal Postal Union

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