Buy Local, Act Global: UNCTAD shares experiences in promoting rural products in least developed countries at the Ninth World Chamber Congress

30 June 2015

Sharing experience of promoting rural products from least developed countries by highlighting their unique geographical origins, representatives of UNCTAD participated in a "Buy Local, Act Global" event at the Ninth World Chamber Congress organized by the International Chamber of Commerce on 10-12 June 2015 in Turin, Italy.

The objective of the session was to discuss how to encourage local communities and consumers to shop locally, as well as how to use branding techniques as a tool to boost rural community's business.

The event also showcased the technical assistance provided by UNCTAD in the field of market access and trade laws, with a special focus on the work carried out to support rural communities of LDCs in using GIs as a tool to promote their traditional products.

The session was chared by Ambrosio Bertolotti from the World Chambers Federation.

The panelists were:

  • Roland Bernard, President, Commission on Tourism, France Chamber of Commerce

  • Jay Byers, CEO, Greater des Moines Chamber

  • Stefano Inama, Senior Advisor, UNCTAD

  • Gerri Martinuzzi, Manager, Department for Company and Market Development, Florence Chamber of Commerce

  • Jean Martin Rakotozafy, President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Indian Ocean

  • Sandip Somany, President, ICC India, Former President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry

At the same occasion UNCTAD also participated in a breakfast meeting organized by the United Nations High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, Gyan Chandra Acharya, on the theme of Implementing the Vienna Programme of Action: The Role of the Private Sector.