86. Fisherman's blues: Why the fisheries industry needs to get much greener
This episode of The Weekly Tradecast looks at how we can fight climate change by cutting the carbon emissions of our fisheries with David Vivas, an UNCTAD legal officer working on trade and environmental issues.
The fishing industry is a vital source of food. And it provides work – directly or indirectly – for one in every 13 people on the planet.
But there's a deep downside for the environment from the emissions spewed out by the sector's ships and processing plants. One recent study shows that bottom trawling – a common fishing practice – emits as much carbon dioxide every year as airplanes.
How do we make fisheries greener while also keeping people in their jobs?
Listen in to UNCTAD’s David Vivas to find out how we can stay in line with global climate goals and cut down the carbon emissions of our fisheries.