The Least Developed Countries Report 2023 highlights that these countries have very high external financing needs as they pursue sustainable development. These needs have become even larger due to the emergence of multiple global crises.
At the same time, the international financial environment cannot provide least developed countries with the financing they need in the required amount and with appropriate conditions. Its reform is unavoidable.
The report provides a range of policy recommendations and innovative reform proposals to solve the current impasse in which these countries are trapped.
UNCTAD is the UN’s leading institution dealing with trade and development. It is a permanent intergovernmental body established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1964.
UNCTAD is part of the UN Secretariat and has a membership of 195 countries, one of the largest in the UN system. UNCTAD supports developing countries to access the benefits of a globalized economy more fairly and effectively.
We provide economic and trade analysis, facilitate consensus-building and offer technical assistance to help developing countries use trade, investment, finance and technology for inclusive and sustainable development.
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