Trade and Development Report 2019 - Financing a global green new deal

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Trade and Development Report 2019 - Financing a global green new deal

Geneva, Switzerland, 25 September 2019

The world can meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 but only with the political will to change the rules of the international economic game. In addition, policies must be adopted to scale-up the resources needed for a big investment push led by the public sector and put the global economy on a more sustainable and inclusive growth trajectory.

The Report recasts the Depression era’s signature policy on a global scale – a Global Green New Deal – as the right policy framework to make a clean break with years of austerity and insecurity. It would help bring about a more equal distribution of income and reverse decades of environmental degradation. UNCTAD proposes a series of reform measures to make debt, capital and banks work for development and finance a sustainable future for all.

Documents related to the report is now available on the main UNCTAD website online.