Since the publication of the Investment Policy Review (IPR) in 2009, the Government of Mauritania has adopted several reforms to improve the business environment. In particular, measures have been taken to strengthen the strategic, legal and institutional framework for investment and entrepreneurship.
In 2023, the Mauritanian Investment Promotion Agency (APIM) asked UNCTAD to assess the implementation of the IPR recommendations.
This report analyses the progress made in strengthening the investment framework and highlights additional actions in support of the objectives of the country's National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) 2016-2030 and sustainable development based on the Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development (IPRF; UNCTAD, 2015).
Since 1999, the IPR programme has conducted assessments of the policy, legal and institutional framework for investment in more than 55 economies.
IPRs provide concrete, tailored recommendations for improving an economy's investment climate, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and national development objectives. Reports assessing the implementation of the recommendations are produced a few years after the publication of the IPR at the request of the economy concerned.
These reports also identify needs for further technical assistance and suggest recommendations to further help countries strengthen the investment framework and the business environment.