Synergistic linkages between green trade and sustainable development in Papua New Guinea

Green trade for sustainable development in Pacific small island developing States of the Melanesian Spearhead Group

This report examines the potential synergies between green trade and sustainable development in Papua New Guinea, mapping out key linkages in a comprehensive matrix. 

As a small island developing State (SIDS), Papua New Guinea faces specific challenges and opportunities in its pursuit of sustainable development. Its small size, remoteness, narrow export base, high exposure to external economic shocks, together with global environmental challenges, represent significant vulnerabilities.

Green trade emerges as a vital component in addressing these challenges and advancing sustainable development. It holds importance in two main areas. 

First, it opens doors to specialized markets that value sustainability, expanding economic opportunities. 

Second, it offers notable social and environmental benefits.

The report on Synergistic linkages between green trade sustainable development in Papua New Guinea is part of the Green trade for sustainable development in Pacific small island developing States of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) project, referred to as the MSG Green Trade Project.

Synergistic linkages between green trade and sustainable development in Papua New Guinea - Green trade for sustainable development in Pacific small island developing States of the Melanesian Spearhead Group  (UNCTAD/TCS/DITC/INF/2024/8)
4 Oct 2024