Mandate of UNCTAD´s Assistance to the Palestinian People

Mandates (2000-2018)

UN GA Resolutions

The UN General Assembly (GA) Resolution A/RES/69/20 (2014) paragraph 9 requests UNCTAD to “report to the General Assembly on the economic costs of the Israeli occupation for the Palestinian people". This was affirmed by paragraph 9 in resolutions A/Res/70/12 (2015), A/Res/71/20 (2016), A/Res/72/13 (2017) and A/RES/73/18 (2018)

Nairobi Maafikiano- UNCTAD XIV- 2016: Paragraph 55(dd)

"Continue to assess the economic development prospects of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and examine obstacles to trade and development, and should strengthen its programme of assistance to the Palestinian people with adequate resources and effective operational activities, including relevant studies as part of the international community's commitment to building an independent Palestinian State, and with a view to alleviating the adverse economic and social conditions imposed on the Palestinian people, in line with the Accra Accord and the Doha Mandate".

Doha Manar- UNCTAD XIII- 2012: Paragraph 31(m)

"Continue to assess the economic development prospects of the occupied Palestinian territory and examine obstacles to trade and development, and should strengthen its programme of assistance to the Palestinian people with adequate resources and effective operational activities, as part of the international community's commitment to building an independent Palestinian State, and with a view to alleviating the adverse economic and social conditions imposed on the Palestinian people, in line with the Accra Accord".

Accra Accord- UNCTAD XII- 2008: Paragraph 44

"Support to the Palestinian people should be intensified to alleviate the adverse economic and social situation in the Palestinian territory with a view to creating the conditions conducive to building a sovereign and viable Palestinian State in accordance with the relevant United Nations resolutions, the Road Map, the Annapolis Conference Joint Understanding and the Paris conferences. UNCTAD's programme of assistance to the Palestinian people in the areas of capacity-building, trade policy, trade facilitation, financial management, development strategies, enterprise development and investments is welcome and should be strengthened with adequate resources and related operational activities."

São Paulo Consensus- UNCTAD XI- 2004: Paragraph 35

"The assistance that the UNCTAD secretariat provides to the Palestinian people in the areas of capacity building, trade policy, trade facilitation, financial management, development strategies, and enterprise development and investment is welcome and should be strengthened with adequate resources."

Bangkok Plan of Action- UNCTAD X- 2000: Paragraph 167

"The continuation of the assistance that the UNCTAD secretariat provides to the Palestinian people is welcome, and should be intensified."

199th plenary meeting 2 July 1983

Recalling its resolution 109 (V) of 1 June 1979 on assistance to national liberation movements recognized by regional intergovernmental organizations,

Recalling also Trade and Development Board resolution 239 (XXIII) of 9 October 1981 entitled "Assistance to national liberation movements recognized by regional intergovernmental organizations: Palestine",

Gravely concerned at the ever-increasing number of Israeli colonies in the occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and the Gaza strip,

Alarmed by the deterioration, as a result of the Israeli occupation, in the living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories,

Alarmed also at the imposed Israeli domination of the foreign trade of the occupied Palestinian territories,

  1. Requests the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to set up a special economic unit to monitor and investigate the above-mentioned policies of the Israeli occupation authorities;

  2. Also requests the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to report periodically to the Trade and Development Board and the General Assembly, through the Economic and Social Council, on the progress achieved in the implementation of the present resolution, including the work done by the economic unit referred to in paragraph 1 above.

General Assembly Resolutions