Evaluation and review of UNCTAD’s implementation of the Accra Accord

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2010
Evaluation and review of UNCTAD’s implementation of the Accra Accord
Agreed Conclusions 503 (LVII)
27 Sep 2010

The Trade and Development Board

Reaffirming the Accra Accord and the mandates contained therein,

Expressing full support to UNCTAD and its work programme through thethree pillars,

  1. Takes note of the Secretary-General’s report contained in documentTD/B/57/7 and TD/B/57/Add 1;

  2. Also takes note of the comments and suggestions from member Statesduring the review of implementation of the Accra Accord, as reflected in thePresident’s summary, and encourages the secretariat to fully take these into accountas it continues to pursue its implementation of the Accra Accord;

  3. Expresses general satisfaction with UNCTAD’s implementation of theAccra Accord to date, while encouraging the secretariat, in accordance with theAccra Accord, to continue its implementation, bearing in mind the need to:

    1. In the research and analysis pillar, continue to assist developing countriesto address key trade and development and other interrelated issues andchallenges and their implications and lessons learned, and pursue fullimplementation of UNCTAD’s communications strategy and publicationspolicy, taking full cognizance of the relevant Trade and DevelopmentBoard decisions regarding funding and content of the UNCTADpublications;

    2. In the consensus-building pillar, continue to improve the functioning ofthe intergovernmental machinery in an evolutionary, informal andconstructive manner, in order to build a stronger consensus on trade anddevelopment issues;

    3. In the technical cooperation pillar, ensure that its work is firmly based onUNCTAD’s research and analysis, as well as the consensus reached in theconsensus-building pillar, and seek to secure sufficient funding fromdevelopment partners for technical cooperation;

    4. Strengthen capacity-building including through paragraph 166 and shortcourses in Geneva;

    5. Support developing countries in designing and actively implementingpolicies to boost productive capacities, taking into account their needsand priorities;

    6. Particularly address the special needs of Africa and least developedcountries, including by strengthening their productive capacity, financialpolicies and trade;

    7. Further address the challenges and problems of groups of countries withspecial needs;

    8. Carry out the full implementation, by the Secretary-General of UNCTAD,of the previous decisions of the Working Party — especially paragraph 12of the agreed conclusions of the Working Party on the StrategicFramework and the Programme Budget at its fifty-second (resumed)session in June 2009 (TD/B/WP/210) — to strengthen the Division forAfrica, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes to fullyenable the division to discharge its mandated responsibilities, includingthe task of providing substantive and technical support to the FourthUnited Nations Conference for Least Developed Countries;

    9. Continue to address persistent development challenges such asharnessing science and technology for development and the contributionof migrant remittances to development; and continue to mainstreamcross-cutting issues such as full and productive employment, incooperation with the International Labour Organization, the promotion ofsustainable development, and gender equality;

    10. Continue to monitor and analyse the new economic realities and addressthe challenges identified, including those resulting from the globalfinancial and economic crisis, and climate change as it is related to tradeand development through the three pillars;

    11. Pursue its important work on investment, including in infrastructure andagriculture;

    12. Enhance the development impact of its commodities work, including byimproving related activities and projects and by making further rapidimprovements in the operation of the Special Unit on Commodities;

    13. Foster its work through available resources in supporting developingcountries to address the development impact of their engagement inmultiple trade arrangements and negotiations, particularly addressing theevolution of the international trading system, continuing technicalassistance on accession to the World Trade Organization and developingcapacity-building in trade and trade negotiations; also continue to play itsrole in developing and implementing projects under Aid for Trade;

    14. Intensify the support to the Palestinian people to alleviate the adverseeconomic and social situation in the Palestinian territory with a view tocreating conditions conducive to building a sovereign and viablePalestinian State in accordance with the relevant United Nationsresolutions, the Road Map, the Annapolis Conference Joint Understandingand the Paris Conferences;

    15. Engage in United Nations system-wide coherence processes in accordancewith relevant United Nations General Assembly decisions, strengthenUNCTAD’s role within this process and look to focus on comparativeadvantage in a cost effective manner. In doing so, look to improved useof resources, including by filling vacant posts.

    1058th plenary meeting
    28 September 2010