The Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2001
The Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010
Decision 467 (XLVIII)
12 Oct 2001

The Trade and Development Board,

  1. Welcomes the adoption of the Brussels Declaration and the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001–2010 by the Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, held in Brussels from 14 to 20 May 2001 [1];
  2. Notes with satisfaction that the Programme of Action is based on mutual commitments by LDCs and their development partners to undertake concrete actions in a number of interlinked areas set out in the Programme of Action;
  3. Expresses appreciation to the international community for its efforts in supporting the development of LDCs and emphasizes the importance of the mobilization of both domestic and international resources for the full and effective implementation of the Programme of Action by all stakeholders as a matter of urgency to significantly improve the human conditions of the people of the LDCs during the present decade;
  4. Accepts the invitation extended by the Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries in paragraph 113 of the Programme of Action to consider converting its Sessional Committee on LDCs into a Standing Committee;
  5. Resolves to fully consider the conversion of the Sessional Committee on LDCs to a Standing Committee or other appropriate changes to the UNCTAD intergovernmental machinery to increase the focus of UNCTAD’s work on LDCs as an important part of implementing the Brussels Programme of Action;
  6. Decides for that purpose to begin specific consultations on the above issue, in the context of the examination of UNCTAD’s intergovernmental machinery taking place in preparation for the Mid-Term Review of UNCTAD X, with a view to making a decision on this issue at the Mid-Term Review, based on the follow-up mechanisms as decided by the General Assembly;
  7. Takes note of the reports submitted by the UNCTAD secretariat, welcomes the initial steps being taken by the secretariat, since the Conference, pursuant to its mandate concerning the implementation of the Programme of Action, and welcomes the efforts of the UNCTAD secretariat to develop a “roadmap” which would be useful in this regard;
  8. Expresses appreciation to the organizations and agencies which have reported on the activities they are undertaking to implement the Programme of Action within their respective areas of competence;
  9. Notes that the data which are internationally available to monitor progress toward the development goals and targets contained in the Programme of Action need further improvement in terms of the coverage of least developed countries, their quality and their timeliness, particularly in relation to the overarching goal of poverty eradication, and recommends that these problems and the need to monitor the totality of the Programme of Action should be brought to the attention of the United Nations agencies and other international organizations in their relevant spheres of competence, as well as to the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly;
  10. Notes the progress made to date in the implementation of the Integrated Framework Pilot Scheme as part of the new arrangements for revitalizing the Integrated Framework and welcomes the renewed commitment and support extended by donors through the pledges made to the Integrated Framework Trust Fund, and invites new and additional contributions to the Integrated Framework Trust Fund in keeping with the spirit of the commitments undertaken in the Programme of Action.

925th plenary meeting
12 October 2001

[1] For the Brussels Declaration, see A/CONF.191/12. For the Programme of Action, see A/CONF.191/11.