Investment Policy Review of Angola

Investment Policy Review of Angola

In recent years, foreign direct investment (FDI) in Angola has been low, volatile and concentrated in the extractive sector. A more diversified FDI portfolio and the targeting of FDI projects better aligned with the country's needs could go a long way in supporting the achievement of the national development objectives. Towards this end, the Government has put in place an ambitious programme to reform the business and investment environment.

The Review identifies remaining policy gaps and bottlenecks, including the complex system for FDI entry and establishment, burdensome operational regulations, the persistence of restrictive business practices and a lack of institutional capacity and coordination. These affect the country's ability to fully take advantage of its strategic location, abundant natural resources and preferential access to external markets.

The Review also devotes special attention to investment in agribusiness and its contribution to sustainable development. It calls for concrete measures to foster responsible investment and promote inclusive modes of production in agriculture.

The recommendations emphasize the need to strike a policy balance between the food security and export development objectives, improve access to land and infrastructure, and promote entrepreneurship and skills development.

Investment Policy Review of Angola (UNCTAD/DIAE/PCB/2019/4)
6 Jan 2020