Gender perspectives in science, technology and innovation

Gender perspectives in science, technology and innovation

Gender perspective of STI

Integrating a gender perspective into science, technology and innovation policies to effectively address socio-economic development challenges.

Science, technology and innovation (STI) can play a crucial role in meeting internationally agreed development goals.

However, they cannot effectively facilitate equitable and sustainable development unless the aims, concerns, situations and abilities of women as well as men are considered when formulating STI policies.

In other words, a “gender lens” needs to be applied to STI policy-making.

UNCTAD has identified three entry points for applying a gender lens:

  1. Science for women: developing science and technology which support women’s development and livelihood activities.
  2. Women in science: promoting gender equality in science, technology and engineering education, careers and leadership.
  3. Encouraging and supporting the role of women in innovation systems at national and grassroots levels.


"Pursuing gender-sensitive science, technology and innovation policies is not only a human development issue - it is also smart economics"
UNCTAD (2011)

This report was prepared by UNCTAD, with inputs from the Gender Advisory Board of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development.

The report argues that a “gender lens”, which reflects the aims, concerns, situations and abilities of both women and men, should be applied in all aspects of STI policy-making.