UNCTAD and ITC join with the Geneva Environmental Network to conduct a briefing on SDGs summit, climate change COP21 and contribution of the international trade community.
The briefing will take place on 5 October, in room XXIII, starting at 10:00, and covering:
- The outcomes of the SDGs summit and their relevance to COP 21
- Preparations for COP 21
- A tour de table among the three trade agencies - UNCTAD, ITC and WTO - followed by a number of interventions by participants focusing on how the international trade community can support the climate negotiations on the way to Paris and, especially, in the implementation phase
- Assessment of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)
In November 2014, in cooperation with the UNFCCC, WTO and ITC, UNCTAD launched a series of briefings, which will culminate in a side event at COP 21 in Paris.
The series has been prompted by the realization that the development agenda is an increasingly important component of climate change mitigation, which is recognized by the IPCC under the term co-benefits - complementary benefits. Examples of such co-benefits include economic growth and development, poverty reduction, and improved air quality, health, energy security, job creation, biological diversity and water management. Trade has an important role to play in leveraging the various co-benefits.
The first briefing, held in February, on the margins of the ADP (Ad hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action) negotiations in Geneva, brought into focus linkages among the three major negotiating tracks:
- the climate negotiations;
- the intergovernmental negotiations on post-2015 development agenda;
- the Doha Round negotiations in the WTO.
In all three, trade serves as an enabler in the long run, ensuring the implementation of any eventual agreement is inclusive within across countries.
The current briefing is meant as a stepping stone towards a side event, which will bring together the three trade agencies and their UN and non-partners. The event, entitled: "Leveraging the co-benefits: the role of markets and trade" and scheduled for 9 December. Fiona Harvey (The Guardian) will moderate the event.