Emerging B2B Market Platforms: Spotlight on Trade in Services

18 April 2018
12:00 - 13:30 hrs. Room XXV
, Switzerland

Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce is estimated at nearly ten times the value of business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce, yet dedicated B2B online marketplaces have only recently begun to take hold.

As newcomers, they may in some instances not be as sophisticated or mature as their B2C counterparts; even though the market is vast they have a way to go to catch-up with and capitalize on the e-commerce upsurge.

Such platforms offer firms, both large and small, greater transparency, with an array of business leads, that enables them to engage in global trade. Services, particularly business services, more often feature in B2B trade than in the world of B2C e-commerce.

This panel will explore how the B2B marketplaces facilitate trade in services, what kind services are showcased, how they are used by clients, who is buying and selling, how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can participate, and how their business models may differ from those employed in online B2C markets.

•  Mssrs. Dinesh Agarwal, Founder & CEO and Brijesh Agrawal, Co-Founder & Director, IndiaMART
•  Ms. Anna Nesterova, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, Global Rus Trade
•  Mr. Giles Derrington, Head of Policy, techUK

•  Mr. Dylan Piatti, Chairman of the Board, Ecommerce Forum Africa, Senior Chief of Staff, Deloitte Africa

•  Ms. Lee Tuthill, Counsellor, Trade in Services & Investment Division, World Trade Organization

World Trade Organization (WTO)

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