Expert Meeting on Positive Corporate Contributions to the Economic and Social Development of host Developing Countries

31 October - 02 November 2005

At its ninth session, in March 2005, the Commission on Investment, Technology and Related Financial Issues decided to convene an Expert Meeting on Positive Corporate Contributions to the Economic and Social Development of Host Developing Countries, in accordance with the mandate contained in the São Paulo Consensus, paragraph 58, which calls for the secretariat to "carry out analytical work with a view towards facilitating and enhancing positive corporate contributions to the economic and social development of host developing countries".

The Expert Meeting will begin this process by identifying what the economic development dimension of corporate responsibility could involve and what are the elements that are in the interest of countries and in the interest of firms. It will then look at examples of company and industry guidelines and best practices and country policies in encouraging such practices and current projects. It will provide initial answers to what this concept should entail and how it should be pursued in the future, with a view to developing a common language and understanding concerning the economic development dimension of corporate responsibility.

In an effort to identify relevant parameters through which positive corporate contributions are, and can be better, achieved, the Expert Meeting will consider the following seven areas as initial core topics: (i) investment in poor countries, (ii) provision of goods and services, (iii) employment creation, enhancement of skill levels of the local workforce and creating linkages, (iv) technology transfer, (v) ethical business behaviour, (vi) contribution to public revenue generation, and (vii) minimizing negative effects of business restructuring.

The Expert Meeting will identify best practices in the above areas that could be drawn upon as models for successful promotion of corporate contributions to the economic development of host developing countries. The Meeting will also consider the role of national and international policies in this regard. The aim of the meeting is to provide initial answers to the concept of the economic dimension of corporate responsibility, with a view to developing a common language for future action in this area.

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