Review of the Implementation of the United Nations Set of Principles on Competition Policy, including consultations on the revised chapters of the UNCTAD Model Law on Competition

09 July 2015
05:00 - 08:00 hrs. Room XVIII, Palais des Nations

The UN Set is a multilateral agreement on competition policy that:

  • Provides a set of equitable rules for the control of anti-competitive practices.
  • Recognizes the development dimension of competition law and policy.
  • Provides a framework for international operation and exchange of best practices.

This framework also provides vital technical assistance and capacity-building for interested member States so that they are better equipped to use competition law and policy for development.


The Model Law is made up of two parts: Part 1 is a permanent guide and is not subject to revision whereas Part 2 is revised regularly, chapter by chapter.

Downloads [PDF]:
[Excerpt] TITLE OF THE LAW: Elimination or control of restrictive business practices: Antimonopoly Law / Competition Act.
Also available in: Arabic | Chinese | French | Russian | Spanish
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Model Law on Competition - All Chapter Downloads
08 Jul 2015

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