UNCTAD supports development of study mapping agriculture focal points and successful case stories of agri-tourism linkages in Tanzania

22 November 2018
10:00 - 05:00 hrs.
, Switzerland

ditc-ted-22112018-tnz-organics-400.jpg​UNCTAD supported the Agricultural Council of Tanzania (ACT) to identify and map regions which can serve as good examples of successful pro-poor tourism (PPT) that involve tourism (Utalii) and agriculture (Kilimo) for sustainable agritourism development. In the resulting study, a selection of value chains was made that included tea, coffee, banana, avocado, and cocoa and horticultural commodities. The mapping of these regions was carried out along with the identification of focal points (institutions and/or individuals) at the regional and the local level, which are important in promoting PPT in United Republic of Tanzania and can serve as strategic contacts for future initiatives.

The Agriculture Council of Tanzania (ACT) is a leading umbrella organization doing advocacy and capacity building for agriculture stakeholders in Tanzania. The published study entitled “Agritourism Regions for Enhancing Linkages between Tourism and Sustainable Agriculture in the United Republic of Tanzania” prepared by ACT, was prepared as part of the activities under the United Nations Inter-Agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity in Tanzania, with financial support from Switzerland (SECO).

The mapping carried out in the report is a direct result from recommendations contained in the 2015 UNCTAD study “Enhancing Linkages Between Tourism and Sustainable Agriculture Sectors in the United Republic of Tanzania” (UNCTAD/DITC/TED/2015/4). The development of the study involved important contributions from local organizations which benefitted from the Trade Cluster Activities In the country, in special the Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA), the Sokoine University Graduates Entrepreneurs Cooperative (SUGECO), Responsible Tourism Tanzania (RTTZ), the United Republic of Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM) and UNOPS.

The report was published along with promotion materials for Pro-Poor tourism, issued in English and Swahili, to help advance the Agri-tourism linkages / stakeholder mobilization in the country. The materials are published as part of UNCTAD efforts to enhance linkages between tourism and agriculture in Tanzania and will be shared among local advocacy groups and serve as a facilitation tool to project developers and multilateral organizations which need agricultural focal points for tourism project development in the country.


Mr. Henrique Pacini,