Youth Employment in the Digital Economy

25 April 2017
09:00 - 17:00 hrs. Room XXIII, Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

The 2017 edition of the UNCTAD E-Commerce Week comes at a crucial moment when governments are looking to develop strategies on how to deal with a changing economic and social landscape brought about by the digital economy.

Digital technologies are driving new ways of producing and consuming goods and services.

The digital transformation implies disruptive changes to business models across sectors thereby affecting the nature of jobs and the skills young people need to successfully enter the labour market.

Mukhisa Kituyi
"E-Commerce can unlock new opportunities for young entrepreneurs. Not by accident but from deliberate, targeted acts of inclusion and empowerment"
Mukhisa Kituyi
Jack Ma
"If you want to create jobs — make trade easier. If you want to help small businesses and entrepreneurs — help them go global. If you want to live in a more peaceful, more open world — make more connections"
Jack Ma

Studies suggest that in the coming years many low- and middle skilled jobs will be replaced by automation, advanced manufacturing and 3D printing, robotics, autonomous transport and artificial intelligence. Existing and new high-skilled jobs will therefore be driving innovation and the workforce demands.

Many young individuals feel ill-prepared for this fast-changing technological landscape. In order to leave no-one behind, a multi-stakeholder approach becomes urgent to connect the dots for an enabling environment where young people can thrive in and drive the global economic trends of the future.

During this session, young men and women, as well as guest speakers from the public sector and the business community, will share experiences and views on crucial issues to help young people contribute to and benefit from the digital economy through jobs and entrepreneurship.

The session, guided by the outcomes of the online discussion taking place from 10 March to 2 April 2017 with worldwide youth participants, will identify two to three concrete actions to be presented to all UNCTAD E-Commerce Week participants.

The session on youth employment in the digital economy will address key elements for youth in the digital transformation such as:

  • What are the future trends of the labour market in the context of the digital economy?

  • What policies need to be urgently set in place to respond to the demands of the workforce in the digital economy?

  • What partnerships are necessary to make sure that young people face the digital transformation with the right skill sets?

  • Why is e-Entrepreneurship relevant to achieving inclusive economic growth and how can governments respond better to the needs of e-Entrepreneurs?


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Youth Youth



Min Jae Kim
Tel:  +41 22 917 5528