UNCTAD Secretary-General addresses workshop on mainstreaming trade

05 November 2013

UNCTAD's Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi opened a two-day national workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 30 October, on Mainstreaming trade into national development strategies.

Dr Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General of the UNCTAD, a the Ethiopia National Workshop on Mainstreaming Trade into National Development Strategies

In his remarks, Dr. Kituyi spoke of his vision of making UNCTAD's analytical and integrated approach to trade policymaking more relevant and more impact-focused at the national level. He stressed that the least developed countries (LDCs) needed to adopt an integrated approach to trade policy formulation and trade liberalization.

The aim of the workshop was to support trade policymaking by strengthening the capacities of key government agencies directly responsible for mainstreaming trade into the national development strategies - namely the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, and the Commission of Economic Planning.

Also present together with Dr. Kituyi at the opening were His Excellency Mr. Yakob Yala, State Minister of Trade, and Mr. Eugene Owusu, United Nations Resident Coordinator for Ethiopia.