Digital Identity in a New Era of Data Protection

16 April 2018
06:30 - 08:00 hrs. Room XXV
, Switzerland

The continuing evolution of the digital economy across the globe and at the national level requires individuals to be able to assert their identity in order to participate in that digital economy.  The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provide the ambitious target that all people will be able to obtain a “legal identity” by 2030 (SDG 16.9).  Yet today nearly 1 billion people are unable to prove who they are. 

The international community – both public and private sectors – are mobilizing efforts to address this issue.  Users will participate in the digital economy if they trust that their digital transactions and data will be secure and free from misuse.  One of the biggest challenges is to enable digital identity at the same time as ensuring data protection. 

This session will provide insights into the foundations of digital identity, examine some recent experiences and developments in rolling out digital ID systems, examine some of the legal responses to the intersection of digital ID and data protection, and provide country examples.

Speakers will address the following aspects:
- Setting the stage: UN SDG 16.9 requirements and current international trends – Mr. David Satola, Lead Counsel, World Bank (Moderator)
- Developing a Global Legal Response - Ms. Anna Joubin Bret, Secretary, UNCITRAL
- GDPR Impact on Digital Identity – Mr. Chris Watson, Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna, London
- Prioritizing users’ human rights in digital identity programs - Ms. Wafa Ben-Hassine, Policy Counsel, MENA, Access Now
- Country Experiences: EU eIDAS (Trust Services) - Ms. Victoria Saue, Head of Risk and Compliance for e-Residency program, Estonia
World Bank Group, UNCTAD

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