Expert Meeting on ICT and Tourism for Development

30 November - 02 December 2005

Tourism is an information-intensive sector and therefore has significantly benefited from ICTs. The distribution of tourism information and products over the Internet is the main area where technological innovation has had the most profound impact on tourism enterprises (producers and distributors). The diffusion of ICTs enables tourism businesses themselves to make tourism products and services directly available to a large number of consumers at a relatively low cost, and to interact with them as well as with other tourism producers and distributors. The increasing number of consumers who use the Internet to plan leisure or business trips represents a major incentive for developing countries to organize and develop their tourism supply and its promotion over the Internet.

ICTs are the most effective tools for developing countries to market their tourism supply and increase their customer base. By encouraging the development of e-business practices in the local economy, ICTs make it easier for countries to organize their tourism industry and stimulate cooperation among stakeholders. Despite the challenges posed by the adoption and usage of ICTs in developing countries, tourism enterprises with well-conceived websites have an opportunity to access international tourism markets on an equal footing with competitors from developed countries. The use of ICTs for tourism development is expected to produce economic benefits by generating increased revenue for the local economy and contributing to local development.

While a growing number of destination management organizations (DMOs) in developing countries have developed an online presence in the last few years, only a small share have so far been able to offer a fully fledged services web portal in the form of a destination management system (DMS). In order to take full advantage of ICTs and improve their own competitiveness in tourism markets, destinations in developing countries have to instil e-business practices effectively among all stakeholders and integrate local tourism providers into DMSs.

This Expert Meeting will bring together experts from both developed and developing countries, from international and regional bodies involved in ICTs and tourism issues, and from civil society organizations. During the three-day event, experts will learn, through experience-sharing and best practices, how to benefit the most from the opportunities offered by ICTs in the tourism industry. They will analyse the process of designing and implementing effective e-tourism strategies and ICT tools from a private and public perspective, based on partnerships among the stakeholders of the tourism industry.

Quick Links:
  • ICT and tourism: a natural partnership
  • Online destinations
Sort by:  Symbol  |  Title  |  Date  |  Agenda item

(TD/B/COM.3/EM.25/INF.1) -  15 Dec 2005
(TD/B/COM.3/EM.25/2) -  19 Sep 2005
(TD/B/COM.3/EM.25/1) -  06 Sep 2005
(TD/B/COM.3/EM.25/1) -  06 Sep 2005

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