She brings to the position a deep knowledge of international trade and extensive experience in development policy and other fields.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed the director of UNCTAD’s division on international trade and commodities, Pamela Coke-Hamilton, as the new executive director of the International Trade Centre (ITC) in Geneva.
ITC is a joint agency of UNCTAD and the World Trade Organization.
It enables micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in developing and transition economies to become more competitive and connect to international markets for trade and investment.
UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi congratulated Ms. Coke-Hamilton on the appointment and thanked her for her dedicated service to the organization.
“I wish her well in her new appointment. I am confident that she is the right person for the role at the right time, particularly in light of the current challenges facing MSMEs brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Dr. Kituyi said.
Deep knowledge and experience
Ms. Coke-Hamilton brings to the position a deep knowledge of international trade and extensive experience in development policy, private sector development, capacity-building and technical cooperation.
She served as a director at UNCTAD for two years. Previously, she served as the executive director of the Caribbean Export Development Agency.
Before that, she was the regional hub coordinator for the Caribbean at the Inter-American Development Bank and the director of trade and competitiveness at the Organization of American States.
Ms. Coke-Hamilton holds a juris doctor degree in law from the Georgetown University School of Law in the United States, and a bachelor’s degree in international relations and economics from the University of the West Indies in Jamaica