Building on the recent socio-economic performance of Kenya, the national workshop will discuss the role of productive capacities and structural economic transformation.
It will examine how productive capacities and structural transformation can best be placed at the center of national policies and strategies.
The workshop will also present the PCI for Kenya. The discussions with national stakeholders will be based on UNCTAD’s work on developing the PCI and Kenya’s performance on it.
Specific issues to be addressed during the national workshop include:
- Levels of productive capacities in Kenya and other developing countries;
- Challenges of economic diversification and industrialization, and the implications of export concentration for fostering productive capacities and structural economic transformation in Kenya;
- The role of transport, trade facilitation and trade logistics in improving the export competitiveness of Kenya;
- Access to energy, ICTs and transport services and the impact of this on building export competitiveness and production transformation in Kenya;
- Policies and strategies to enhance the role of the private sector, particularly SMEs as part of post-COVID19 environment.
- Successful experiences and best practices in policy formulation and implementation for productive capacities, industrialization and structural economic transformation with implications for Kenya.
Participants of the national workshop will include senior government officials, national, regional, and international experts in the field of economic development and representatives of the private sector and civil society, including academic institutions in Kenya.
The workshop will consist of statistical and methodological training for statisticians on the Productive Capacities Index, on 14-15 March 2022, followed by a policy workshop on 16-18 March.
Mussie Delelegn
Productive Capacities and Sustainable Development Branch
Division for Africa, Landlocked and Special Programmes
Tel: +41229175038