Key note speech, Michel Prada , Chairman, Board of Trustees of the IFRS Foundation,
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Regulatory and institutional foundations for high-quality corporate reporting
At the twenty-ninth session of ISAR, experts will deliberate on the role of regulatory and institutional arrangements for the consistent implementation and enforcement of international standards and codes of corporate accounting and reporting. They will share experiences in the area and examine main regulatory and institutional aspects that need to be in place to ensure that a country is able to provide high-quality corporate reports which would meet requirements of investors and other interested stakeholders.
The session will also consider feedback from the pilot tests of the Accountancy Development Toolkit, with a view to further refining the Toolkit to facilitate its use for strengthening regulatory and institutional capacity for high-quality corporate reporting.
In addition, several international and regional organizations engaged in the areas of financial reporting, auditing, corporate governance and corporate responsibility reporting will provide updates on their respective activities.
Meeting series