Procedural matters:
- Election of officers
- Adoption of the agenda and organization of the work of the session
- Adoption of the report on credentials
- Provisional agenda for the sixty-third session of the Board
High-level segment: Development strategies in a globalized world
- Multilateral processes for managing sovereign external debt
- Role of women as catalyst for trade and development
Interdependence: Financialization and macroeconomic fragility in the global economy
Contribution of UNCTAD to the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011–2020: Fourth progress report
Economic development in Africa: Unlocking the potential of Africa's services trade for growth and development
Evolution of the international trading system and its trends from a development perspective
- The role of small holder farmers in sustainable commodities production and trade -
Investment for development: Reforming the international investment regime
Preparatory process for the fourteenth session of the Conference:
- Establishment of the Preparatory Committee
- Approval of the provisional agenda of the Conference
UNCTAD contributions to the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic and social fields
Technical cooperation activities
- Review of the technical cooperation activities of UNCTAD
- Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people
Report of the Seventh United Nations Conference to Review All Aspects of the Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices
Follow-up to the Joint Inspection Unit report and the agreed conclusions of the twenty-sixth special session of the Trade and Development Board
Report of the Working Party on the Strategic Framework and the Programme Budget
Other matters in the field of trade and development
- Progressive development of the law of international trade: Forty-eighth annual report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
- Report of the Joint Advisory Group on the International Trade Centre
Institutional, organizational, administrative and related matters
- Report by the Chair of the Advisory Body set up in accordance with paragraph 166 of the Bangkok Plan of Action on the implementation of courses by the secretariat in 2014–2015 and their relevant impact; and the appointment of members of the Advisory Body for 2016
- Designation of intergovernmental bodies for the purposes of rule 76 of the rules of procedure of the Board
- Designation of non-governmental organizations for the purposes of rule 77 of the rules of procedure of the Board
- Review of the calendar of meetings
- Membership of the Working Party for 2016
- Review of the lists of States contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX)
- Administrative and financial implications of the actions of the Board
Other business
Adoption of the report
Meeting series
Intergovernmental Support Service
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Fax: 41 22 917 0214
E-mail: meetings@unctad.org