The Weekly Tradecast explores how major economic events are affecting developing countries and the lives of billions of people.
The Weekly Tradecast looks at how the green transition is transforming the global economy, national policies and almost every aspect of our lives with the International Trade Centre’s Vanessa Erogbogbo.
The Weekly Tradecast talks to Richard Baldwin – professor at IMD Business School and an expert on globalization – for his insights on the big economic shifts from manufacturing to services and what they mean for developing countries.
This episode of The Weekly Tradecast looks at the impact on shipping, supply chains and trade from insecurity in the Red Sea with Jan Hoffmann, head of UNCTAD's trade logistics branch.
This episode of the Weekly Tradecast looks at the unique challenges for landlocked countries that impede their trade and development with UNCTAD senior economist Mussie Delelegn.